Answered By: Julie Petzold
Last Updated: Aug 30, 2022     Views: 506

Gutman Library is committed to providing library services to all HGSE community members, especially those studying and working at a distance. We provide access to the library's circulation, document delivery, and research services.

Ask Us! -- Gutman research librarians are available to provide answers to a wide range of quick reference questions or to work with you at a distance throughout the capstone or dissertation process.

Borrow Direct Plus -- If you live near a Borrow Direct Plus library, you have access to on-site borrowing.

Distance Book Delivery -- available to all current HGSE community members


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From May 20th-August 1st 2024, no drop-ins. Virtual appointments and email only. 

Email: Use our Ask Us form

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To schedule a time, use the Gutman Library Research Appointment tool.